
Nuxt provides the <NuxtLayout> component to show layouts on pages and error pages.

You can use <NuxtLayout /> component to activate the default layout on app.vue or error.vue.

    some page content
Read more in Docs > Guide > Directory Structure > Layouts.


  • name: Specify a layout name to be rendered, can be a string, reactive reference or a computed property. It must match the name of the corresponding layout file in the layouts/ directory.
    • type: string
    • default: default
<script setup lang="ts">
// layouts/custom.vue
const layout = 'custom'

  <NuxtLayout :name="layout">
    <NuxtPage />
Please note the layout name is normalized to kebab-case, so if your layout file is named errorLayout.vue, it will become error-layout when passed as a name property to <NuxtLayout />.
  <NuxtLayout name="error-layout">
    <NuxtPage />
Read more about dynamic layouts.

Additional Props

NuxtLayout also accepts any additional props that you may need to pass to the layout. These custom props are then made accessible as attributes.

    <NuxtLayout name="custom" title="I am a custom layout">
      <-- ... -->

In the above example, the value of title will be available using $attrs.title in the template or useAttrs().title in <script setup> at custom.vue.

<script setup lang="ts">
const layoutCustomProps = useAttrs()

console.log(layoutCustomProps.title) // I am a custom layout


<NuxtLayout /> renders incoming content via <slot />, which is then wrapped around Vue’s <Transition /> component to activate layout transition. For this to work as expected, it is recommended that <NuxtLayout /> is not the root element of the page component.

    <NuxtLayout name="custom">
      <template #header> Some header template content. </template>
Read more in Docs > Getting Started > Transitions.

Layout's Ref

To get the ref of a layout component, access it through ref.value.layoutRef.

<script setup lang="ts">
const layout = ref()

function logFoo () {

  <NuxtLayout ref="layout" />
Read more in Docs > Guide > Directory Structure > Layouts.